Memberships and Partnerships
IRABCS has always supported new and evolving ideas in scholarly publishing. To provide an even better service for our IRABCS community, we have and are partnering with leading companies and associations in the scientific field and beyond.
IRABCS is now linked with OJS 3.4, which means that IRABCS users can now take advantage of all the features that OJS 3.4 has to offer. This includes a more user-friendly interface, improved performance, and new features such as article-level metrics and support for multiple languages. The integration of IRABCS with OJS 3.4 is a significant development, as it will make it easier for scholars to publish their work with IRABCS. OJS 3.4 is a widely used open-source journal management system that is used by thousands of journals around the world. The integration will allow IRABCS to leverage the features of OJS 3.4 to provide a better publishing experience for its authors and editors.
Creative Commons
Creative Commons (CC) is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools. IRABCS uses the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) for its publications, meaning Authors retain copyright and their work can be reused and adapted (for non-commercial purposes) as long as the source is properly cited and Authors are acknowledged.
CLOCKSS preserves scholarly publications in original formats, ensuring that they always remain available and openly accessible to everyone.
DORA is a worldwide initiative covering all scholarly disciplines that recognizes the need to improve the ways in which the outputs of scholarly research are evaluated and seeks to develop and promote best practices. To date, it has been signed by over 1500 organizations and around 14,700 individuals.
ORCID, or Open Researcher and Contributor ID, is a nonprofit organization providing researchers with unique digital identifiers (ORCID iDs) to distinguish themselves within the academic and research community. These iDs connect research contributions, publications, and activities, aiding institutions, publishers, and funders in tracking and attributing work.