Submission Preparation Checklist
Dear Author, Please read the following carefully to avoid delay in your article processing. All submissions to IRABCS must meet the following requirements:
- This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
- This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
- I will pay the Article Publication Charges if the article is accepted for publication.
- All references followed Vancouver style and were checked for accuracy and completeness.
- A DOI or URL has been provided for each reference.
- All tables and figures are cited in the text and are numbered and labelled.
- Permission (if required) has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.
Short Communications
IRABCS publishes short communications, which are short papers but contain significant information and data to be disseminated rapidly. Short communications may be limited to 3000 words or a maximum of 4 typeset pages. Short communication in IRABCS may have sections like a Research Article or it may be in simple form. If required, materials and methods of short communication should be provided as supplementary data.
Review Articles
Review articles may be written in the following order: title page; abstract; keywords; main text; discussion; conclusion; acknowledgments; declaration of interest statement; and references.
Research Articles
IRABCS considers all original research articles that are technically sound and provide considerable new information for the scientific community. A research article should typically contain the following elements: title page; abstract; keywords; main text (introduction; materials and methods; results and discussion; acknowledgments; declaration of conflict of interest statement; and references). Table(s) with caption(s) and figures and figure captions should be merged in the article where they are described.
Copyright Notice
Authors retain the copyright of their work published in the IRABCS journal and can share their work following the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.