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Author Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit original, significant, clear, accurate, and well-referenced manuscript (Editorial, Original Research Article, Review Article, Short Communication  Short Communications (Case Reports in Medical Fields) and Conference Proceedings) to the Innovative Research in Applied, Biological and Chemical Sciences (IRABCS) journal. An editor will evaluate each submission to see if it fits with the objectives and scope of this journal. Those considered to be a good fit will be sent for peer review before determining whether they will be accepted or rejected.

Manuscript Preparation

Before submitting your manuscript, please review the Aims and Scope of IRABCS to ensure its suitability for publication. At this stage, manuscripts can be submitted in any format; however, authors are encouraged to download the IRABCS template to assist in preparing the manuscript according to the provided guidelines.


Authorship in IRABCS is used to assign responsibility and credit for intellectual and research work.

  • Contributions: All authors should have made significant contributions to the work as defined by the ICMJE. The list of authors should show who contributed to the work and how. All authors should have made important contributions to the idea and design, collecting data, analyzing and making sense of the data, writing or revising the manuscript, giving final approval of the version that will be published, taking public responsibility for some parts of the content, and agreeing to be accountable for all parts of the work.
  • Order of authors: The order of authors should reflect their relative contributions to the work.
  • Corresponding author: The corresponding author is responsible for all communication with the journal during the submission and publication process. Changes to authorship after article acceptance will not be considered.

Research articles

IRABCS considers all original research articles that are technically sound and provide considerable new information for the scientific community. A research article should typically contain the following elements: title page; abstract; keywords; main text (introduction; materials and methods; results and discussion; acknowledgements; declaration of conflict of interest statement; and references). Captions of Tables and figures should be merged in the article where they are described.

Review articles

Review articles may be written in the following order: title page; abstract; keywords; main text; discussion; conclusion; acknowledgements; declaration of interest statement; and references.

Short communications

IRABCS publishes short communications, which are short papers but contain significant information and data to be disseminated rapidly. Short communications may be limited to 2500 words or a maximum of 4 typeset pages. Short communication in IRABCS may have sections like a Research Article or it may be in simple form. If required, materials and methods of short communication should be provided as supplementary data.


Editorials cover relevant issues, changes or news regarding the journal and its editorial management or policies. They are normally written by members of staff and the Editorial Board. The Editorial should be a short, opinion-based article that discusses the research article and places it in a wider context taking into account any recent developments within the field. Research-related Editorials should be approximately 800 words with a maximum of 10 references, the first of which should be the article that is being discussed. A short abstract (up to 100 words) should also be included.


The acknowledgements section in a research article is used to express gratitude and give credit to individuals, organizations, and funding sources that contributed to the research but do not meet the criteria for authorship. It typically includes mentions of funding sources, contributors, institutional support, equipment or facilities used, peer reviewers, mentors, and ethical considerations. Acknowledgements should be concise, professional, and adhere to any journal-specific guidelines, with the consent of individuals or organizations mentioned.

AI Disclosure

Authors must openly acknowledge their use of AI and AI-assisted tools in their manuscripts. They should include a statement at the end of their paper, but note that they are solely responsible for their work’s content. This disclosure relates to AI’s role in enhancing writing, not its use for data analysis in research.

Conflict of interest

The authors state no conflict of interest. (Either keep this sentence or describe any conflict of interest.).


References must be arranged alphabetically and stick to the Vancouver citation style. It uses a numerical system, where sources are cited within the text with a number corresponding to a full citation in the reference list [1]. Please provide DOI or URL for each citation. Here are examples of how to cite a book, article, and website using the Vancouver style:

  1. Citing a Book

Format for a book citation: Author(s). Title of the Book. Edition (if applicable). Place of Publication: Publisher; Year of Publication.

Example: 1. Smith AB, Johnson CD. Introduction to Epidemiology. 2nd ed. New York: Academic Press; 2015. DOI/URL

  1. Citing an Article

Format for a journal article: Author(s). Article Title. Journal Abbreviation. Year; Volume(Issue): Page numbers.

Example: 2. Brown EF, Jones MJ. The impact of exercise on cardiovascular health. J Cardiol. 2019;25(3):123-135. DOI/URL

  1. Citing a Website

In-Text Citation: For a website, you can use a superscript number in the text, just like for books and articles.

Format for a website citation: Author(s) (if available). Title of the web page or website. URL. Published date (if available); Accessed date.

Example: 3. World Health Organization. Immunization Schedules by Country. Published 2021; Accessed October 15, 2023.

In Vancouver style, it's important to maintain a consistent numerical order for in-text citations, and the reference list should be numbered accordingly. If there are multiple sources by the same author, you can differentiate them by using lowercase letters (e.g., 1a, 1b) in the in-text citations and reference list.

Publication Ethics

The journal of IRABCS is member of ICMJE and DORA, an initiative to help editors verify the originality of submitted manuscripts. As part of this process, a selection of submitted manuscripts are scanned and compared with the CrossCheck database. The IRABCS supports the ethical principles set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), available on its website.

The items in the list below are considered unethical and misconduct behavior. Authors are strongly suggested to be very well informed about them and avoid them under all circumstances.

  • Plagiarism
  • Duplication
  • Fraud Authorship/Denied Authorship
  • Research/Data Fabrication
  • Salami Slicing/Salami Publication
  • Breaching of Copyrights
  • Prevailing Conflict of Interest

The above list is non-exhaustive. For more information you may consult resources like the one below:
Wager E & Kleinert S (2011)  Responsible research publication: international standards for authors. A position statement developed at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010. Chapter 50 in: Mayer T & Steneck N (eds) Promoting Research Integrity in a Global Environment. Imperial College Press / World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (pp 309-16). (ISBN 978-981-4340-97-7)

Graf, C., Wager, E., Bowman, A., Fiack, S., Scott‐Lichter, D., & Robinson, A. (2007). Best practice guidelines on publication ethics: a publisher's perspective. International journal of clinical practice, 61(s152), 1-26.

Luther, F. (2008). Publication ethics and scientific misconduct: the role of authors, Journal of Orthodontics, 35(1), 1-4.

WAME Publication Ethics Committee. (2017). Recommendations on publication ethics policies for medical journals. Available at: http://www. wame. org/about/recommendations-on-publication-ethics-policie. Accessed on January 3, 2024.

Post-Publication Discussions and Corrections

IRABCS adhere to the guidelines set forth by COPE and WAME regarding post-publication discussions and corrections to uphold the integrity of scientific communication. Galley proofs will be shared with authors prior to publication after the article's acceptance, allowing for final review. No changes or corrections will be made to authors' details once the article is published. If significant errors are identified that affect the content or conclusions, a cover letter signed by all authors will be sent to the editor-in-chief and managing editor stating the reason for the correction. Additionally, authors, readers, and editors are encouraged to engage in constructive dialogue about published articles, addressing concerns related to methodology, interpretation, or ethical considerations. Corrections such as errata or corrigenda will be issued, with the original version retained and clearly linked to the newly updated version.

Retraction Policy

The IRABCS adhere to COPE's Retraction Guidelines, which advise editors to consider retracting publications when there is clear evidence of unreliable findings due to major errors, fabrication, plagiarism, unauthorized data use, copyright infringement, unethical research practices, compromised peer review, or undisclosed conflicts of interest. Retraction notices must be linked to the original article, clearly state the reasons for retraction, be published promptly and accessibly, and remain objective and factual. Retractions are not warranted when authorship is disputed without questioning the findings, when corrections can sufficiently address concerns, or when evidence for retraction is inconclusive. Importantly, the manuscript will not be removed from the database but will be labeled as retracted for transparency.

Plagiarism Detection

All articles submitted to the journal are processed with Turnitin software to detect unethical and misconduct behavior listed above. To prevent plagiarism, we offer plagiarism screening free of charge.

Peer-review policy

IRABCS is committed to publishing the highest quality research in the three major fields of science, with a focus on life sciences. IRABCS strives to eliminate barriers to the generation and dissemination of scientific research. To ensure that our articles are rigorously reviewed and unbiased, we use a double-blind peer review system. This means that the reviewers do not know the authors' names or affiliations, and the reviewers' reports to the authors are similarly confidential.

We believe that everyone should have access to high-quality medical research, regardless of their location or financial resources. That's why IRABCS is an open-access journal, which means that all of our articles are freely available to read and download.

To facilitate a complete and unbiased review process, we strongly encourage authors to recommend at least three reviewers who are experts in the same or closely related fields as the manuscript. One of the three suggested reviewers should be international, while the other two should be national.

Upon submission, each manuscript will be assigned to two or three experts for review. The reviewers will evaluate the manuscript's scientific soundness and coherence, originality, and clarity. They will also assess whether the manuscript adds new and significant knowledge to the field, and whether it duplicates already-published work. Finally, they will provide feedback on the manuscript's interest and significance. We believe that this rigorous peer review process is essential to ensuring the quality and transparency of our publications.

The final decision on whether to accept or reject a manuscript will be based on the reviewers' reports. If necessary, the editors may consult with the Editorial Advisory Board to make a final decision. A paper would normally require at least 4-8 weeks from the date of submission for its appearance in the IRABCS journal.

Submit your manuscript to IRABCS and help us to advance the field of Applied, Biological and Chemical Sciences!

For any inquiries, please email us at

Submission Preparation Checklist

Dear Author, Please read the following carefully to avoid delay in your article processing. All submissions to IRABCS  must meet the following requirements:

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • I will pay the Article Publication Charges if the article is accepted for publication.
  • All references followed Vancouver style and were checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • A DOI or URL has been provided for each reference.
  • All tables and figures are cited in the text and are numbered and labelled.
  • Permission (if required) has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.

Research Articles

IRABCS considers all original research articles that are technically sound and provide considerable new information for the scientific community. A research article should typically contain the following elements: title page; abstract; keywords; main text (introduction; materials and methods; results and discussion; acknowledgments; declaration of conflict of interest statement; and references). Table(s) with caption(s) and figures and figure captions should be merged in the article where they are described.

Review Articles

Review articles may be written in the following order: title page; abstract; keywords; main text; discussion; conclusion; acknowledgments; declaration of interest statement; and references.

Short Communications

IRABCS publishes short communications, which are short papers but contain significant information and data to be disseminated rapidly. Short communications may be limited to 3000 words or a maximum of 4 typeset pages. Short communication in IRABCS may have sections like a Research Article or it may be in simple form. If required, materials and methods of short communication should be provided as supplementary data.

Conference Proceedings

The ICMJE advises that ‘Authors should also consider how dissemination of their findings outside of scientific presentations at meetings may diminish the priority journal editors assign to their work.’ It would also be good practice for the authors to state in the article that the results were presented in part (or in full) at xx conference.
In the interest of transparency we would also recommend that the authors declare to the conference organisers and session participants that the content of the presentation is based on a forthcoming article. Some conferences do not allow the presentation of findings that have already been published, even when the publication date lies between sending in the abstract and the date of the conference.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.