A Review on Environmental Impacts and Risks of Beneficial Microorganisms


  • Shamsudeen Muhammad Muhammad Department of Microbiology, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero, Nigeria Author
  • Bilyaminu Garba Jega Department of Microbiology, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero, Nigeria Author




microorganisms, bioremediation, agriculture, genetic engineering, environmental safety


The diverse realm of microorganisms, including bacteria, Achaea, fungi, protists, and viruses, plays a crucial role in supporting life on Earth. Microbes are present in various environments, such as Arctic regions and thermal vents, where they participate in vital functions like nutrient cycling, soil formation, pollutant decomposition, and symbiotic interactions with plants. Their positive effects on soil quality, plant development, and animal well-being are a result of their metabolic processes, relationships with other organisms, and utilization in different applications. While beneficial microorganisms present opportunities for improving agriculture, bioremediation, genetic modification, and sustainable biotechnology practices, safety concerns must be addressed. In agriculture, beneficial microorganisms are employed as biopesticides to reduce the use of chemical pesticides, although potential impacts on non-target species need to be considered. Bioremediation, an environmentally friendly method that uses living organisms to break down pollutants, offers benefits with minimal harm to the environment. Nonetheless, challenges such as effectiveness in extreme conditions and the risk of incomplete degradation or unintended ecological disturbances remain significant. Wastewater treatment harnesses beneficial microorganisms to degrade pollutants, leading to reduced chemical usage and the promotion of energy-efficient processes like anaerobic digestion. Yet, issues related to antibiotic resistance development and incomplete remediation are raised. Genetic engineering presents environmental advantages through genetically modified microorganisms (GMMs), assisting in bioremediation, sustainable agriculture, waste management, and bioenergy generation. However, concerns arise regarding potential ecological disruptions caused by altered microbial populations and the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes. Addressing environmental and safety risks associated with beneficial microorganisms necessitates comprehensive approaches, including thorough risk evaluations, implementation of containment strategies, assurance of ecological harmony, and contemplation of ethical and social consequences. This study aimed to investigate the environmental impacts and safety considerations involved in the application of beneficial microorganisms.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Muhammad S, Jega BG. A Review on Environmental Impacts and Risks of Beneficial Microorganisms. IRABCS [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 2 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];2(1):13-20. Available from: https://irabcs.com/ojs/article/view/31

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