Impact of Sowing Dates on the Growth and Grain Yield Traits of Sorghum Genotypes


  • Toqeer Shaikh Agriculture, Supply & Prices Department, Government of Sindh, Pakistan Author
  • Aijaz Ahmed Soomro Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Crop Production, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam, Pakistan Author
  • Ghulam Mustafa Laghari Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Crop Production, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam, Pakistan Author
  • Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Crop Production, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam, Pakistan Author
  • Muhammad Akbar Zardari Agriculture Extension Wing, Agriculture, Supply & Prices Department, Government of Sindh, Pakistan Author
  • Nasir Shahzad Memon Agriculture Engineering & Water Management, Agriculture, Supply & Prices Department, Government of Sindh, Pakistan Author
  • Lalchand Mukwana Agriculture Extension Wing, Agriculture, Supply & Prices Department, Government of Sindh, Pakistan Author


sorghum, climate, grain, biomass, sowing dates


Sorghum crop is an excellent source of food and fodder. Well understanding of climate change effects will assist scientists for guiding farmers about crop management decisions to mitigate those hazards. The field experiments were carried out at Students’ Experimental Farm, Sindh Agriculture University; Tandojam Pakistan in three replicated RCBD with net plot size 20 m2. The genotypes Bale II, PSC-1010, Acho Kartuho and Sprout were sown with four sowing dates (18th April, 03rd May, 17th May and 31st May) to determine sowing dates’ impact. The results for genotypes, sowing dates and their interactions had highly significant effects at (P<0.05) on most of traits. The genotype Bale II recorded maximum nodes plant-1, heads plant-1, head length (cm) and grain weight plant-1 (g). The results for sowing dates also showed that maximum heads plant-1 and head length (cm) were gained under the sowing date of 18th April. The maximum nodes plant-1 recorded with sowing date of 03rd May. The maximum grains plant-1 and grain weight plant-1 (g) recorded under the sowing date of 17th May. Whereas, interactive effect of genotypes and sowing dates revealed maximum nodes plant-1 found with sowing date of 18th April in genotype Bale II. The highest heads plant-1 and head length (cm) was gained with sowing date of 18th April and 31st May in genotype Acho Kartuho respectively. The maximum grains plant-1 and grain weight plant-1 (g) obtained with sowing date of 17th May in genotype Bale II. It is concluded from the results that genotype Bale II performed well with most of traits. The study unearthed new research areas that have significant effects on sorghum planting establishment to develop enhanced ethanol production to overcome the global energy crisis through safest source of biofuel.


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Author Biography

  • Toqeer Shaikh, Agriculture, Supply & Prices Department, Government of Sindh, Pakistan

    I am Dr. Toqeer Ahmed Shaikh and earned my PhD degree in agriculture from SAU. The pictorial view in my profile exhibits final harvest of sorghum biomass because my research was based on “Improved production technology for enhancement of biomass, grain and biofuel production sorghum genotypes”. I have also great passion to get higher crop yield and tree plantation that’s why awarded Appreciation of Meritorious service provided in SIDA and Dr. Qadir Bux Baloch Agricultural Youth Award 20-21 from National Agricultural Youth Commission and YPARD, Islamabad.

    Presently, I am working as Deputy Director Major Crops in Agriculture Extension Wing, Agriculture, Supply & Prices Department, Govt. of Sindh. I was also Focal Person to Climate Smart Agriculture-Climate Risk Profiling under FAO with CIAT as well as Plantwise Program of CABI-UK in Sindh province.

    Many thanks to CMATC that I got training on International Training Course on the Adaptation to Climate Change, Beijing & Wuhan-China 2017. Climate change and water conservation (SIDA), Bio-Saline and Climate Smart Agriculture (PINS-EU), Drought, Agricultural Production & Climate Change (P&D), APSIM Modeling (SAU-UAF-CSIRO) and Development of LAPA for Food Security and Climate Justice- PFF. I have also imparted training on Crops Value Addition, Climate Change and Agro-Ecosystem, IPDM and Food Security Contents.

    Contact me at



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12/31/2023 — Updated on 01/12/2024


How to Cite

Shaikh T, Soomro AA, Laghari GM, Abbasi ZA, Zardari MA, Memon NS, et al. Impact of Sowing Dates on the Growth and Grain Yield Traits of Sorghum Genotypes. IRABCS [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 12 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];1(2):74-9. Available from:

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